The Team Jesse Foundation
Mission: To provide education and support for families of fallen soldiers in honor of SSG Jesse Williams


Mission: To provide education and support to families of fallen soldiers in honor of SSG Jesse Williams

Combat Veterans Take to the Road on Bicycles

Landon Helmsley at Utah Public Radio interviews Kevin Mincio and Matt Sauri. Team Jesse Foundation is an organization dedicated to helping the families of fallen combat veterans. It is named for SSG Jesse Williams, a soldier who was killed during his second tour of duty in Iraq. Before departing for war, Williams asked a friend, Kevin Mincio, to look after his daughter should he not make it home. When he passed away, Kevin took his promise seriously, assisting Williams's daughter, Amaya, and expanding to found the Team Jesse Foundation.

Landon Hemsley spoke with the pair [Kevin Mincio and Matt Sauri]. That conversation is this newsline. Its original air date was June 22, 2011.

Listen to the Full Interview

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