The Team Jesse Foundation
Mission: To provide education and support for families of fallen soldiers in honor of SSG Jesse Williams


Mission: To provide education and support to families of fallen soldiers in honor of SSG Jesse Williams

Still At Work (Day Seventeen)

When SSG Jesse Williams went on combat missions, he would refer to this time as "going to work." During this period his family and friends would not hear from him as they knew he was off taking care of business. While what Matt and I are doing cannot be compared to the rigors of combat (I know this first hand), we have been off working!

The past 2 days from Escalante, UT to Blanding, UT have been through the high desert. We have covered 230 miles and climbed over 15000 ft - in 2 days! Yesterday was an 11.5 hour ride. When we got to the motel and I emptied the SAG vehicle, I was NOT surprised to throw out 39 water bottles! And this does not include the bottles we grabbed by opportunity from the video van (aka The Minnow). Note - sorry if the plastic water bottles sound environmentally unfriendly, but bottled water is essential in the desert. Ask any combat veteran you know.

The kid Sauri was an absolute champ. Words cannot describe the accomplishment of yesterday. After a grueling hill that ended at mile 99, I made the mistake of asking Matt if he wanted to hop in the SAG and have me finish the day. He looked me right in the face and with defiance said "I am not quitting". We drove on from there and did not look back. Along the way I was quoting a Rocky movie (Rocky III against Clubber Lang I think), by continually yelling out "I am still standing here" and "ain't so bad" to refer to Matt's resilience to reach the finish.

After a good night's sleep, we have a mere 81 miles today to Dolores, CO and we say goodbye to the Utah desert. Matt and I both agree that she was magnificently pretty, but we will not miss Utah - including the dry restaurants!!

Matt will be back soon as promised.

To the limit,

